Adrienne Huia, HoD Te Reo/Tikanga — Mar 24, 2021

The school senior Ki O Rahi team competed on Friday 19th March at the Canterbury Secondary Schools Ki O Rahi tournament which was held at the Ngā Puna Wai Sports hub.

The competition is a mixed tournament and our team was the only girls' team to enter. The pool play was challenging, with their first game being against a team who has been preparing for the national finals. Luckily after the pool play they were able to play teams who were more evenly matched. The girls played with heart and were able to be very competitive, score a win and a couple of close score differences.

The team had a great day, learnt some new strategies to move forward in their preparations for future tournaments and demonstrated all of our school values in their efforts.

The highlight of the day was Ella Timo’s selection to the tournament team. Only four girls were chosen from the entire tournament so Ella can be very proud of her achievement. This is especially true considering she is a younger player in the senior tournament and has only just started playing the sport.

Thanks must be given to Jade McIntyre, as the head of Ki O rahi who did a wonderful job in organising our team and to the tournament organisers who volunteer their time to help with the development of this emerging sport. Thanks also to Ange Sisifa for coaching the girls.

Lastly, congratulations to Lincoln High School, who were the tournament winners and will be heading to the national competitions in April.

Ki o Rahi 2021 — Image by: PhotoLife