Senior Parent/Caregiver Teacher Interviews
The interviews will be of five minutes duration and will take place onsite at school. Tuesday 27th June 1.15pm to 4.15pm Friday 30th June 9.00am to 2.30pm
On Tuesday the 27th of June, school will finish at 12 noon for all year levels.
On Friday the 30th of June, there will be no timetabled classes for all year levels and students will be at home. Junior students will have work online for completion.
Senior Parent/Caregiver Teacher Interviews for Years 11, 12 and 13 will be held in person on Tuesday 27 and Friday 30 June 2023. We encourage Senior students to join the sessions with their parents.
There will be a room at school where students who are unable to study at home can study at school.
Please see below regarding bookings.
Bookings open Thursday the 8th of June at 9am
Online Booking System - To book interview times click on the followinglink, or
Go to and click on “Make A Booking”.
Parents can book for this event by going to the school interviews website and entering the event code kb8kv, which takes them to step 1 to enter your details.
Bookings for Tuesday the 27th of June will close on Monday the 26th of June at 12.00pm.
Following the completion of the interviews on Tuesday, the bookings will re-open for Friday.
Bookings for Friday 30th of June, will close on Thursday at noon.
Once you have selected a time with each subject teacher, you will receive a confirmation email of your bookings for each interview.
You are able to log in at any time up to noon of the day before parent interviews are occurring to modify your bookings, add further bookings or update your details.
If you are unable to attend any interviews please cancel bookings as early as possible as others may be waiting for a time slot to open up.