Student Profile Sophia Smith
Kia Ora Koutou! My name is Sophia Smith and I am the Deputy Head of Rangatiratanga for 2024.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
3 words I would use to describe me are, caring, hardworking, and outgoing.
What extracurricular activities or clubs do you participate in at school, and what do you find most enjoyable about them?
In school, you will see me either at Kapahaka practice or on the netball court. There are a few reasons why I love Kapahaka, one being the second family I gained from being a part of the rōpū. Creating relationships with every girl in our kura’s Kapahaka group is so rewarding and something I greatly value. I love CGHS netball because of the time and effort our committee and student leaders put into the players to make their netball seasons at CGHS as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. Our players feel comfortable playing at whatever level they are and having fun at the same time.
Can you describe some positive or memorable experiences you've had at CGHS?
One memorable experience I had as part of CGHS was when our Kapa Haka rōpū won the Tūhono Kapa Haka competition. The feeling when our name was read out was overwhelming. It was a surreal experience, as all the hard work of both our tutors and students had paid off. We were all so emotional, as we had become so close as a group and understood how much placing 1st meant to each of us.
What are your favourite subjects at school and why do you enjoy them?
My favourite subjects are German and History. I love German because it allows me to learn more about my culture and language with like-minded people. Learning a language has become so much more important for jobs and future pathways, so it was an opportunity I was not going to miss! History has always been something that I have been interested in, and taking it at CGHS has opened my eyes to the many different events and theories behind them.