Tēnā Koutou Katoa Parents, Caregivers and Whānau
This week has been a colourful week with Year 13 in dress up mode, an end of year tradition.
With so many things having gone with COVID restrictions it is nice to see the students having fun…. with Move school Monday, Teacher Tuesday, What you are going to be Wednesday, Throw back Thursday and Formal Friday. Hence the photo above this article from Teacher Tuesday of our Head Girl, Amiria Tikao as ….me! Oh to be so young again!
Next week we move into final classes and activities for our seniors. On Tuesday we celebrate Pink Day raising funds for breast cancer awareness and on Wednesday senior students receive their NZQA briefings. Thursday is the final day for all seniors with year level prizegivings and release as follows:
Year 13 Period 1 and 2 followed by morning tea with staff then release
Year 12 Period 4 then release
Year 11 period 5 then release
The prizegivings will be streamed to parents and you will receive a link if you wish to watch. In a change of plan all year level students will be in the year level prizegivings.
Our staff vaccinations are at almost 100% which is reassuring for parents and a high percent of students who have submitted vaccination returns are vaccinated. This is a very difficult time for many people around the vaccination issue so respect for each other’s views is important.
It looks like we are heading into a nice weekend so I hope you all enjoy some leisure time with family.
Ngā mihi
Christine O’Neill