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Photo by CGHS Publication

Year 11 Drama Class Production

Kaitlyn Tinworth —

On Tuesday 23rd and Wednesday 24th at 5:30pm the Year 11 Drama classes are performing their class production of Know Your Role by Brandi Owensby in the Christchurch Girls High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora Theatre.

Through scenes and monologues that range from hilarious to heartbreaking, this one-act explores how these expectations affect teens' daily lives. Whether it's how they dress, the rules of dating, body image, parental pressures or a host of other ways, the teens of this flexible ensemble reveal how gender expectations affect them and how they "role."

The play has a running time of 50 minutes and will be filmed for their Level 1 NCEA assessment. Please be on time to not disrupt filming and wear a mask. Students have been working on this for the past term and look forward to you coming and celebrating their hard work.
