Christine O'Neill — Aug 20, 2020

Kia ora parents, caregivers and whānau

Next Monday the sentencing hearing for the Al Noor and Linwood mosque massacre begins under COVID 19 restrictions. At this time, we think of our Muslim community in Christchurch and in particular our Muslim students and families at Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora.

The Muslim community is tight knit and inter-connected and a significant number of our students tragically lost family members in the event. Relatives from overseas have been in quarantine, travelling to support their loved ones during this ordeal. We remember all our families and especially the Al Noor Imam, Mr Gamal Fouda, parent of the school, who will lead his community through the court hearing ordeal. What a tremendous responsibility to bear.

I have not forgotten the powerful message of love, peace and unity he delivered at the remembrance ceremony marking the first Friday prayer observance after the massacre. That strong and calm voice reverberated around the park with a message of hope when it could so easily have been otherwise.

On March 15, this year our Muslim students spoke at a special assembly and planted a fig tree beside our outdoor atrium near to the flowing Ōtākaro river. The fig tree is highly symbolic in Islam and referred to as sacred in the Quran.

While we listen as the river gently flows through the school and past the fig tree we can see the journey of time from first arrivals Tangata Whenua who brought their canoes up Ōtākaro looking for food, to colonial settlers establishing the flour mill, to more recent arrivals seeking peace and safety in this land and planting this special tree.

Our school is sited on this crossing of our bi-cultural and multi-cultural nation. Let us hope our young people grow up knowing the richness of diversity, the beauty in difference and the peace, love and unity Imam Fouda spoke about so eloquently. I know all our thoughts will be with our Muslim girls and families and our wider Muslim community as the week unfolds.

Ngā mihi nui

Christine O'Neill