PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop - Saturday, 25th February
CGHS PTA - February 23, 2023
Do you have good quality uniform that your child has grown out of, or no longer requires? (for example the tie from last year). Please bring these clean items along to the PTA second hand uniform shop. You may choose to donate items for sale, or we can sell on your behalf. Further information please click here
Term 2 means winter uniform. If your child requires a new kilt please come to the uniform shop this Saturday. There are lovely warm soft NEW WOOLLEN KILTS in stock. Retail stores no longer stock the woollen kilts, but we have them for you. We also have second hand woollen kilts. Students tell us the woollen kilts feel nicer to touch and they keep you warmer than the polyester viscose option. Get in while stock lasts.
PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop is open this Saturday 25 February from midday to 1.30pm, in the main entrance at school.