Hero photograph
Photo by Abanti Antara

Library News

Abanti Antara —

Welcome Back to Term 3!

There is alot happening in the library during the mid-winter months. Students are coming to the library to enjoy their break times in a warm and happy space and are spending time with fellow friends and seniors reading, writing, playing card games, preparing for competitions and doing jigsaw puzzles. Sometimes teachers are also enjoying spending time with the students.

Haere Mai Ki Te Whare Pukapuka!!

Battle of the Bibliophiles

The Battle of the Bibliophiles (BOB) team 2023, started practice in the library. The BOB team 2022 is mentoring them for a competition. They must read 12 books very closely and then battle against 51 other teams around different High Schools in New Zealand.

Spelling Bee

Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora is participating in a spelling Bee competition this year. Students are memorising 100 words from the spelling Bee wordlist and will be tested on 50 random words next week. There are cash prizes for the top spellers across the country.

A huge mahi to all of the student librarians who help with library service, morning tea and lunch duty, you are such a fabulous group and make our lives easier with all your creative ideas in the library.