Hero photograph
Connon House 2020
Photo by Photolife

Connon House

Lili Ovendale —

This year was an interesting year, to say the least!

To start it off we began with our annual athletics day, involving both competitive and fun events for all houses. This was a great opportunity for everyone to get involved and earn some house points, no matter whether they wanted to compete, give things a go, or just have some fun with their friends. Connon ended up coming through with a win in the senior relay, and many girls also took part in an egg and spoon races, sack races, and other fun activities organised by the SHE Committee to earn house points. This day is all about creating more house spirit and is always one of the largest days of the year for all year groups. This year the day was carried out at the athletics track at the Nga Puna Wai Sports Hub, on a very hot late summer day, with everyone dressed up in their house colours. The day was overall, a huge success, and started the year off on a very good note!

We then had swimming sports, held at Wharenui pool, which again involved lots of girls giving the competition a go, whether they were swimmers or not. This is always a smaller event than athletics day but it was great to see swimmers from each house showcasing their talent, and other girls having fun with their friends. Connon was lucky to finish 3rd in the relay, and although our turnout wasn’t as large as some of the other houses, the morning was still thoroughly enjoyed by all and was a great way of getting some girls to try something new and different.

Unfortunately after this, the year changed quite drastically, and the build-up to lip-sync was rocky and uncertain. We managed to organise our soundtrack and choreography and began practices but unfortunately were unable to ever perform our lip sync arrangement because of Covid19. Luckily, everyone still had lots of fun brainstorming and practising, and although it was upsetting for seniors particularly, there is always next year!

Throughout the year we also organised a junior multisport competition, and various other far smaller house competitions and activities to keep house spirit incorporated into our school year and to help students have lots of fun things to look forward to.

Although the year could have been filled with far more activities and events, had it gone to plan, we still managed to have fun with our own and other houses, through friendly competitions and lots of games. Hopefully next year we will be slightly more predictable but I have thoroughly enjoyed leading Connon through it all this year, and wish the very best for whoever follows in my footsteps.