Michelle Pinkney — Nov 6, 2018

At the end of Term 3, a group of senior French students began a cultural and immersion language experience in France.

After a long but smooth and uneventful flight, the group arrived in Paris on a warm, sunny afternoon. Once we had settled into our accommodation, we headed into central Paris on the metro, where we visited Notre Dame and the Latin Quarter, eating our dinner al fresco style in a nearby park.

The following two days in Paris were packed full of visits; Arc de Triomphe, Champs Elysées, The Louvre, Eiffel Tower, Musée D'Orsay, Galeries Lafayette, Opéra Garnier, Sacré Coeur. The programme was rich in cultural and historical information and we managed to find time for some shopping too!

Settling in to our seats in the TGV for our journey to Strasbourg, a few nerves began to set in, as the next stage of the trip was an 8-day stay with host famiies. The group had been in regular contact with their families for a few months, which made the first meeting a little easier. As the train drew into the station, we were met with waves from the large group assembled on the platform, and as we struggled off the train with our luggage, there were enthusiastic greetings, hugs and of course, in true French style "la bise".

Our stay in Alsace was magical. The highlight of the first weekend was a group trip to a theme park with the tallest rollercoaster in Europe - a perfect opportunity for everyone to get to know each other. During the week, whilst the French students were busy at school, we had time to explore the region; medieval castles, picturesque villages, museums, jam making, butter making and boat trips to name a few.

The Strasbourg experience flew by and soon we were back at the railway station (on our way to the airport) saying goodbye. Since the French students will be in New Zealand in just 4 months, the farewell was not too tearful, although the girls really missed their Strasbourg families during the remainder of the trip.

We arrived in Nice to very warm weather and spent the afternoon exploring the old town, including a steep climb to the chateau and gardens. During the next few days we visited Monaco/Monte Carlo, the Picasso museum in Antibes, a perfumerie and medieval village perched on a hill with an incredible view of the Côte D'Azur.

All too soon, it was time to board our Emirates flight back to Christchurch. We are left with wonderful memories of France and moments spent with friends, old and new.

Students who went on the trip:

Year 12

Mackenzie Allan, Sarah Bates, Milla Batten, Alice Cooper, Sophie Harris, Claire McIntosh, Laura Patient, Brooke Williams, Kate Hagerty

Year 11

Brooke Bayliss, Ella Cox, Livi Dyet, Sophie Radcliffe, Harriet Rowse, Caitlin Maule