CGHS — Jun 21, 2020

Qualification: NCEA Level 1

Entry requirements: Active involvement in Year 10 PE as you will be required to participate in a range of activities in a range of settings. (Proficient or Advanced grades in Y10PE).  A keen interest in participating and a desire to understanding aspects of sport, performance, movement and activity. 

Content/Skills: In Physical Education, ākonga will have the opportunity to explore what movement means to them through different models of, and approaches to, hauora. They will engage in exercise, games, play, sport, recreation, adventure, and expressive movement, across diverse physical and social environments. This course has a variety of practical and theory components including sport education modules, individual and team sports activities. 

Theory covers basic sports science (skill learning, functional anatomy, bio-mechanics and exercise physiology) and applies it to the practical components of the course.

Ākonga will also investigate aspects of social responsibility and participation in physical activity.

Where does it lead? NCEA Level 2 and Level 2 PSP.

For further information see Mr Bilsbury.