Garden Club
Naia Toaolamai-Holden - November 2, 2020
In Term 1 we cleaned the greenhouse using the water blaster and we planted a variety of vegetables in our ‘no dig garden’ bed. The plants included parsley, beetroot, cabbage, kale and cauliflower. These plants flourished and every meeting was an enjoyable one!
In Terms 2 and 3, the very short lunchtime breaks meant that we weren’t able to maintain the garden as well as in previous years. However, we recently harvested the parsley and cabbages and donated them to the Christchurch City Mission to use to help out our community!
We have always been very grateful to Dave Schimanski, our groundsman, who is so helpful and supportive of the garden club and to Mrs Wilson for her involvement.
Naia Toaolamai-Holden