CGHS Enrolments — Aug 21, 2022

If you have enrolled after the 1st of November please complete this form.

It is time for your young person to select the option subjects they wish to study in 2023. Students in Year 9 study English, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Health and Physical Education as compulsory subjects, and choose three optional subjects.

In year 9 there are 3 lines in which ākonga need to make choices:

  1. One (1) Language subject of either French, German, or Te Reo Māori
  2. One (1) Art subject of either Drama, Music and Visual Art
  3. Ākonga then chose to take either a full year of Economics or two (2) half-year semester courses from a variety of options

Please be aware that some classes will be capped. We will endeavor to give everyone their first choice but please ensure to have a second choice nominated.

To gain further information about the optional subjects, please read from the information provided in the Year Course Handbook. This can be accessed here.

When making your choice consider:

Some option subjects do fill up quickly, so we urge you to make your selections by Friday 2nd September as choices close on Thursday 8th September

Please click here to complete your Option Subject Choices for 2023

We look forward to you joining our school community.