Laura-Jean Peawini — Nov 21, 2018

Next week will be the last week for students to give to our school Christmas Giving Tree. Thank you to those families who have contributed a gift, however our tree is looking a little sad. We are still accepting donations of gifts for children, teens, families who might otherwise go without a present this Christmas. At the end of our Junior Curriculum project, during our Celebration of Learning ( Wednesday 12 December), the gifts will be distributed between Women's Refuge and/or the Salvation Army and/or the Christchurch City Mission.

Donated gifts can either be wrapped or not. If a gift is wrapped, please label it with the gender and age that it is most suited to.

The items need to be new. 

Some ideas:

Teens: Movie vouchers, Phone top ups, mall or warehouse vouchers

Children: New toys or books

Parents: Chocolates or sweets, Fancy candles, Little house accessories

Students can donate second hand items on their own to the Salvation Army Family Stores.

Thank you for your support.