Hero video
Year 12 Biology trip to Temple Basin 2019
Video by CGHS

Year 12 Biology Field Trip 2019

Bella Thornton and Isabel Simmons —

Early in the year, droves of hopeful Year 12 Biology students geared up to set off on the infamous trip to Temple Basin, Arthur’s Pass.

Having been told that schools are frequently snowed in for many days and that Boys’ High were preceding our stay at the lodgings, we were trepidatious at best. Nevertheless, spirits were high as we jauntily travelled through the countryside in a tandem bus ride. In the beginning, there was a great sense of purpose in the ranks as we ascended up what can only be described as a mountain whose path was composed entirely of small, irritating rocks. Many days later, it seemed, most of us arrived at Temple Basin alive. We took off our shoes in the gear room, pretending we were there for a whirlwind ski trip and set off upstairs to have our heads filled with knowledge. In actual fact, we were then to be catching grasshoppers on a hillside like manic pixies, if manic pixies had large black plastic rubbish bags and wore waterproof trousers (a must, please believe me). When eventide came, a rather chaotic energy which characterises sleepovers took hold of us. The vegetarians were accidentally denied dinner, and it all went uphill from there, depending on how you look at it. The journey up to our lodgings had thoroughly tired us, so we quickly went to sleep. The following day, intense Science began, seeing us taking nature measurements as we tried not to fall into the gully in the wild wind and rain of the tempest. We then came inside and used all the vegan milk for our hot chocolates. Other notable mentions are the walk to the haunted mountain shack, and the treacherous (slippery) trip back down to civilisation. Throughout the trip, many a laugh was shared. Temple Basin was a bonding experience like none other. Peers became friends; friends became sisters, because we all brushed our teeth in the same five basins. I, personally, fuelled myself entirely with toast for that excursion, and that is a feat not easily forgotten.

Bella Thornton and Isabel Simmons