Hero photograph
UC, Year 10 Aukaha
Photo by CGHS Publication

UC, Year 10 Aukaha

Adrienne Huia, HoD Te Reo/Tikanga —

A group of our Year 10 Māori students were privileged to be invited to attend the University of Canterbury Aukaha day.

We are extremely grateful to the Tuakana and staff of Canterbury University for their time and efforts in organising and facilitating such a large event which involved students from throughout Christchurch. 

The purpose of the day is to give junior students the opportunity to learn more about possible pathways at the University. For many, it is their first exposure to the possibility of striving for tertiary education in the future. 

The students rotated through a variety of workshops run by the different faculties. They learnt about many subjects, for example: Sports Coaching, Engineering and Speech and Language Therapy. One more highlight for the day was the full hot lunch that was provided and the manaakitanga that was evident from all involved.