OGA — Nov 3, 2020

Welcome to the Christchurch Girls’ High School Old Girls’ Association. We are a globally based network of former pupils and teachers of Christchurch Girls’ High School (CGHS). Nearly 125 years after being founded, the Association continues to play an important role in the life of Christchurch Girls’ High School/Te Kura o Hine Waiora.

The CGHS Old Girls’ Association has a long and proud history. Founded in 1900 by Mary Gibson (then Principal and an ex-pupil) for ex-pupils and ex-teachers, the Old Girls’ Association was established just 23 years after CGHS itself.

Times have changed. However, the intent of the Association’s founders remains today, and the Association continues to be an integral part of Christchurch Girls’ High School, Te Kura o Hine Waiora.

The Association supports the school’s Vision and Principles, which are underpinned by the school’s Values of Manaakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Aroha and Rangatiratanga.

Throughout its history the Association has encouraged old girls to attend important school functions and give practical support to the school and Acland House. It has nurtured friendships and memories through meetings and activities.

Today the CGHS Old Girls’ Association aims to:

Our Association has branches throughout New Zealand, the largest being the Christchurch branch. The Old Girls’ Association administers the Memorial Prizes, presented to keep alive the memory of past teachers and students, and has made many other contributions to the school and Acland House over the years.

We are governed by our Constitution. The latest version is here.

You can contact us at oga@cghs.school.nz. We are always thrilled to welcome and meet new members!