Christine O'Neill — Jul 8, 2021

Here we are at the end of Term 2 and the year is racing by. We were privileged to host the Honourable Marama Davidson, Minister Against Family and Sexual Violence, at the start of the week.

She came to talk with students about the sexual harassment survey results and has committed to a national strategy to address the issues. She was very impressive with the students, warm and engaging and she had read the report thoroughly. She was very keen to take next steps at her portfolio level and also to support local leadership around change. She brought with her the best wishes of the Honourable Jan Tinetti, Minister for Women and Associate Minister of Education. We continue to be proud of our students and their ongoing work and voice on this issue. In particular, our Head Girl, Amiria Tikao, has done an amazing job as the voice for the students in the media.

We had exciting news in the Arts with competitive choir Cantrices in the national finals and our barbershop quartet Tonally Rad placing fifth nationally in qualifying rounds for their national finals as well. Congratulations to staff Ms Kaitlyn Tinworth and Jenny Morrison and students!

This week our parents of seniors have been in for student progress interviews and the turnout has been excellent. Thank you for making time to come and talk with our staff and you are able to email concerns at any time directly to the subject teacher. Term 3 is very important for a clear focus on academic work as we lead into schools exams near the end of terms and NCEA national examinations after barely two weeks in Term 4.

Many of our senior students will be thinking about their futures, subject choices and life in general. Here’s a great link to the words of some very inspiring young women.

There is uplifting advice here for our young people to consider as they prepare for their lives beyond school. I am always impressed by our young women - they are aspirational, hopeful and passionate and willing to stand up and commit to making our world a better place. I admire their tenacity and courage.

I wish you all special family time during the holidays and hope the weather treats us well!

Ngā mihi

Christine O’Neill