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Photo by CGHS/TKoHW Publication

Adventure Race

Annabel Diprose —

Last Saturday,19 August, Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora had two adventure racing teams entered in the Crazy Kea Event held at Loburn.

The Teams consisted of three people each: Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora Blue consisted of Ayana Cooke, Kotomi Ishida and Annabel Diprose and Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora Red had Avalon Suttill, Haylee Geange and Awanshikha Gosai. 

Both teams competed in the 3-hour event that was made up of a mountain bike stage and a foot rogaine stage.

It was an amazing time, for most of the girls it was their first time being in an event like this and they didn’t really know what to expect. Teams had 3 hours to collect as many points as possible to get back to the finish before the time ran out. After a long uphill push on the bike to checkpoints 1-6 the terrain flattened out before going downhill to collect checkpoints 7-12. 

The teams then completed a mystery activity, which was a Hobbit-themed treasure hunt. Once the teams returned to the transition area they had the remainder of the 3 hours to collect checkpoints on foot. The rogaine was on the Sparks Farm Homestead and after jumping many electric and barbed wire fences the teams returned to transition to speed back to the finish.

After a few mechanical issues with the bikes and one or two slips, both teams returned to the finish line with smiles and were eager to dig into hot food. The teams did extremely well, especially for their first time racing together.

If anyone would like to get involved with Adventure racing, please email Mrs Leech or Annabel Diprose. 

Image by: CGHS/TKoHW Publication