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Kapa Haka

Teghan Bain (L) leads the Kapa Haka


Kapa Haka 2018

CGHS - December 3, 2018

The kapa haka in 2018 consisted of about 30 members and was led by Samantha Moore and Aliyah Teirney – Lambert, with great support from Olivia McIntyre as the Kaea of most of our songs.

The main purpose of the group this year was to support the school powhiri, prizegiving and any other school events as they arose. The powhiri was a great opportunity to bring the girls back to practice and perform some of our old songs. It is always an auspicious occasion and a wonderful way to start the new school year. Later in the year, we were honoured to be asked to participate in the Welcome Ceremony for the Governor General when she came to school to open the PAC building. The mihi whakatau was a wonderful moment and we were thankful to Aaria Rolleston for speaking so beautifully on our behalf.

The highlight of our year however, was at the end of Term 2. We travelled to Riccarton High School to support our Manu Kōrero speakers; Kate Gutry, Amiria Tikao and Olivia McIntyre. All speakers at these competitions are supported with songs and haka from their school kapa haka groups. It was a great day to see such passion from so many young people for the Māori language, culture and performing arts.

Four of our most dedicated students later joined a competitive group to perform at the South Island regional competitions in Term 3. The girls all performed with grace and skill. They were wonderful representatives for our school kapa haka. The group called Amokura, was tutored by a past student Aporonia Arahanga. It was wonderful to reconnect with Aporonia and her whānau. Well done to Tori Hick, Maringi Huia, Yasmin Sadlier and Hineata Purdon for their dedication to kapa haka.

Finally our year has ended with the lead up to the senior prize-giving ceremony. This is where we will have our opportunity to farewell our year 13 members; Aliyah, Teghan, Leilani and Sammy. We thank them for their service to our group and wish them well for the future.