Amelia Ridgen and Erin Humm, — Feb 24, 2022

On Saturday the 19th of February a team of two Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora students, Amelia Ridgen and Erin Humm, competed in the Tasman Junior Young Farmer of the year Regional Final in Springston.

They worked hard to come away with a second-place finish, the same result in the competition as last year. 

This qualifies them for the Junior Young Farmer of the Year Grand Final taking place in Whangarei in July, which is such an exciting achievement.

Young Farmers — Image by: CGHS Publication

From Amelia and Erin:

This was such a great opportunity to get out there and represent the school while engaging in fun modules to boost agricultural knowledge. At the grand final, we hope to improve on our fourth-place finish from last year, and we feel good knowing we’ve done it before.

This year we are wanting to really get the Young Farmers Club at school running and have lots of opportunities for others to learn and embrace agriculture. We are hoping to spread the word about the Young Farmers Club and hopefully get more people involved in the competitions!

If you are interested in joining the Young Farmers club as a student make sure to join the Facebook group “CGHS Young Farmers Club 2022” or email one of us: or