Hollie Lintott — Nov 4, 2021

This year was one to remember for Sheppard House!

We started off this year full of house spirit and with a competitive edge to make Sheppard the best we could be! Our first house event started off with athletics, and wow did we show what Sheppard house was made of. Seas of purple could be seen across the athletics track at Nga Puna Wai. Spirit was high as we waited to compete in our events with loud chants and high morale. Sheppard had an incredible athletics day by gaining the most house points overall in the events as well as smashing the SHE committee events. Fair to say we did pretty well!

The next big event of the year for Sheppard was the annual lip sync competition held at CBHS. The pressure was on more than ever as the 2020 competition had to be cancelled as well as Sheppard having a rather good track record in Lip Sync in previous years. This years theme was decided upon a wedding. Preparations started in April with the crafting of the perfect soundtrack and choreography, through to the daily practices of our dedicated house members to put together our masterpiece. On the night we performed with passion putting on a fantastic performance with guest stars featuring our cultural prefect Tilly as the wedding crasher and the groom our very own Acland prefect Mia Cochrane. The competition was tough but the judges decided they liked our performance so much they awarded us first place (along with Harper) but still I was incredibly pleased with our efforts on such a fabulous night.

This year also saw the introduction of the junior house productions which Sheppard were awesome competitors in. It was great to see so many girls getting up and giving it a go as well as earning us house points along the way. We had some success with getting awarded the best director!

Overall we had a great year and could get our house events in without any disruptions! The spirit and passion the girls showed this year was outstanding and I felt so honoured to lead such a group of passionate people who were absolutely dedicated to Sheppard and it showed! I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and learnt a lot from it too. I have to finally thank the staff and students for their amazing support towards myself and our house. It makes such a difference and makes me so happy to be leaving this year with the experiences I have received. Bring on 2022!