Hero photograph
Photo by CGHS/TKoHW Publication

2024 Prefect Team

Evelyn and Alice - Prefects —

The 2024 Prefect team is a reflection of the breadth of perspectives, skills and strengths of the students here at Christchurch Girls' High School/ Te Kura o Hine Waiora.

From sport, to music, culture and academics, the Prefect team is a representation of all areas in which Christchurch Girls' High School/ Te Kura o Hine Waiora students flourish.

This year we have a particular focus on strengthening spirit and participation within our school, fostering relationships between year groups and in general keeping the mood positive as we settle into the academic year.

In celebration of the diverse range of opportunities that the school offers, the Christchurch Girls' High School/ Te Kura o Hine Waiora.  Prefects ran a Cultural and Service Roadshow in the gym. There, we got the heads of committees and clubs to showcase their group to students. Our aim was to promote getting involved in the school environment and culture, and we saw a great turnout. It was amazing to see big lists of students interested in various committees and clubs. Thank you to everyone who participated, helped out and all the students who signed up for something new!!

Keep an eye out in the newsletter for more Prefect Posts. Each week we will be getting an update on different prefect run activities, so keep a look out!