Hero photograph
Technical Drama 2019
Photo by Michelle Pinkney

Technical Drama

Laura Officer —

This year the technical Drama team were lucky enough to have two terms of professional training by Light Site staff and other well known lighting directors from around Christchurch. Working with professionals gave us the opportunity to learn all about the practicalities of lighting (rigging, focussing, the function of various lights) as well as learning how to do lighting designs for shows. Every Monday after school we spent a couple of hours learning how to run the theatre and the lights. 

The team then went on to design shows for all the senior Drama productions across the year, as well as helping out at events like music concerts and the Cultural Showcase. Whilst we have learnt a lot, we realize there is still a significant amount of learning we still have to do and in 2020, led by Mrs Officer, we will be expanding our team to include Year 10 and 11 students. We would like to thank Rhiannon Hewitt for all her work co-ordinating and running the technical crews this year. She has been invaluable and also thanks to all the girls who put in hours of preparation and time running all the shows and events. 

Mrs Officer