Rugby 2021
Whilst there were certainly challenges to playing rugby this year, nonetheless, it has certainly been a very successful year for CGHS. Success not only came through our results, but in the number of participants we had involved too.
CGHS is the only school competing in the Miles Toyota Cup competition which has been able to field both a 1st and 2nd XV team. The 2nd XV continued to develop throughout the competition, ending the season with a deserving 38-12 victory over Rangiora High School. Since May, the 1st XV remained undefeated throughout the season, and went on to claim our 8th consecutive title. Unfortunately, we were thrown into a nationwide lockdown in August, on the day before the final was scheduled to take place. From here, both the 1st and 2nd XV teams continued to train hard, completing fitness tasks, and getting into a few group workouts over Zoom.
The most fun probably came in the form of the Great CGHS Rugby Bake-off. There were loafs, cakes, cupcakes, scrolls, and slices all brought to the table, with a rugby themed cake ultimately taking the title. Luckily, the final was able to take place after lockdown finished. The final was played against a similarly undefeated Villa Maria College side, who CGHS were able to dismantle 57-0. This year, CGHS produced a number of Canterbury U19 representatives, and player Jorja Miller represented the Farah Palmer Cup side. With the postponement of Condors, the sevens season didn’t amount to as much as we had hoped for. However, both the U15s and senior side were still lucky to play a few tournaments against other Canterbury schools.