Hero photograph
String Orchestra 2021
Photo by Cecelia JardineKing

String Orchestra 2021

Kate Gardiner —

2021 has been another busy year for the CGHS and CBHS Combined String Orchestra.

 Our group was comprised of string players of all abilities and we practice weekly on a Tuesday morning with our conductor Mr Langdon. This year, we performed in the CGHS Music Concert and the Orchestra Festival at the Town Hall, which was a wonderful opportunity to perform with other talented musicians and come together as a community. Some of our repertoire included ‘To Tame the Raging Rapids’ by Brian Balmages and ‘Ironwork’ by Ted Allen. We have also had the privilege of accompanying two very talented soloists: Ahna Pahaerding (Year 13) playing ‘Concertino’ by Walter Leigh and Heather Padget (Year 12) playing ‘The Lark Ascending’ by Vaughan Williams. We are very grateful for all the time and effort that Mr Langdon puts into String Orchestra between rehearsals, concerts and replacing missing music folders!

Kate Gardiner