CGHS - November 23, 2018
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs S Bailey Assistant Principal MEd, P6 DipEd (eLearning),B.Sc, DipTchg
Mrs P Duthie Principal MA Hons Canterbury, LTCL, Dip Tchg Canterbury
Mr R Frier Head of Graphics and Product Design Technology BA(Hons), PGCE
Mrs L J Peawini Assistant Principal BEd(PE), DipTchg
Mr P Sawyer Deputy Principal BEd, PGDipEdLeadership, DipTchg
Mr J Aaron Head of Science Learning Area BSc Zoology, Dip Environmental Science, DipTchg
Mrs B Anderson Attendance Administrator
Mrs J Anderson BDes, DipTchgLrn
Mrs A Bachop Food Technician
Miss S Barrell BA(Hons), DipTchgLrn
Miss H Beatson Bachelor Sport and Leisure Waikato Uni 2011, Grad Dip TchgLrn
Mrs K Bennett BSc(Hons), DipTchg
Mrs L Bierque Head of Visual Art BFA, (Belgium), BDesign, GDipDes, DipTchg
Mr M Bilsbury Head of PE Department BPhEd, DipTchg
Mr A Blyth Head of Commerce/Assessment Coordinator BSc, DipTchg
Miss J Bowman Bachelor of Architectural Studies, Grad Dip in Teaching from Uni Canterbury
Mrs S Boyd SCT/Teacher in Charge Economics BPhEd, DipTchg
Mrs R Brown Sports Co-ordinator DipPhysEd, DipTchg
Mrs S Buckley Teacher Head of Food and Textiles Technology DipHSc, DipTchg
Mr B Burney Kamar Co-ordinator MA(Hons), DipTchg
Mrs H Burson BPHEd (Honours) Uni of Otago, Post Grad Diploma in Teaching - Secondary
Miss H Caird BCApSc - Major Human Nutrition, Minor Food Service Management, DipTchg
Mr D Clare BSc(Hons), DipTchg
Miss J Clark MA (History), BMus, Grad Dip Sec Teaching
Mrs K Coakley Timetable/Head of Chemistry NZCS, NZ DipSS, DipTchg
Mrs P Dakers ESOL Tutor BSc DipTchg Cert. ESOL
Mrs M Daly BSC Dip of Teaching
Mrs C Dardaiac BE(Romania), DipTchgLrn
Miss J A Day Learning Support BSc
Ms S Dixon Assistant Head of Visual Art BA (Hons), LTh, DipTchg
Mrs N Down Master of Arts, BA, Licenced Educator
Ms K Dyne Acting Co-Assistant Head of English MEd (Dist), DipTchg
Mrs L Earnshaw Librarian Dip Library and Information Studies, Dip Cartography
Mrs A Ffowcs Williams BSc, GDipSc, DipTchg
Mrs J Field Head of Faculty Counsellor, MCouns, DipEd(Counselling and Guidance), BA (Sociology and Education), DipTchgCert with Dip of Speech and Language Therapy
Mrs M Flyvbjerg Guidance Counsellor CertCounselling, MEd
Ms C Fowler Acting Co-Assistant Head of English BA(Hons), ATCL, DipTchg
Mrs A Garrett BPA (NZ Drama School), DipPA, (NZ Drama School), DipTchgLrn
Mrs L Green Data Assistant/Financial Administrator
Mrs P Grogan-Henderson MEd, BA - English and Sociology, PGBipEd (E-learning), DipTchg
Ms C Heyward Guidance Counsellor Bach Arts, 1989-1990 UC, Dip Craft Design CPIT, DipTchgLrn Chch Coll of Ed 1995
Mrs P Holmes Bed, DipTchgLrn 2010 UC
Ms K Hooper Head of Mathematics Learning Area BA, DipTchg
Ms S Hornsey Head of Social Sciences Learning Area BA, DipTchg
Mr N Isaac BEd, HTTC,ATC
Ms A James Master of Education (Hons), Bachelor of Commerce
Mrs C Jardine-King Teacher in Charge of ESOL BA, DipMusSt, Dip TEAL, DipTchgLrn,
Ms A Keates Acting Responsibility in English BA, DipTchgLrn
Mrs S Kentish-Barnes Receptionist Bach Fine Arts - Printmaking UC 1998
Mr M Langdon Head of Music BA, ATCL, DipTchg, PGDipEd LD (Distinction)
Mrs E Lavelle BA, MA, PGDE, Cambridge Intensive Training
Miss R Lawrence B Sc Maths, Grad Dip in Teaching and Learning
Mrs G Leech BSc, CertAntarcticStud, DipTchgLrn
Mr T Lewis BSc, DipTchg, DipSc
Mrs T Lissaman Arts Faculty Assistant
Ms F Logie DipPhysEd, DipTchg
Ms R Marshall B Education 2012, DipTchgLrng
Ms E Mattiske Learning Support DipTouHospMgmt, DipEd
Mrs K McArdle Science/AV Technician NZCS (Biology)
Mrs C McCleary BA American Studies (Hons), Univ of Leicester, PG Dip Electronic Communication and Publishing, UCL, DipTchgLrn, UC
Ms C McDermott BA, DipTchg
Ms L McDowell Head of Classical Studies/Assistant Head of Social Sciences BA, DipTchg
Ms L McHaffie Executive Assistant BSc (PAMs, Psych), DipPersonnelMgmt
Mrs L McLeod Careers Assistant BA, DipTchg
Mr A Meredith Head of Geography/ Teacher in Charge of Tourism BA, DipTchg, CertTEAL
Mrs C Miller Executive Officer
Miss J Morrison BEd - Uni of Alberta (Music)
Mrs A Naughton BA (Hons) 2i German, CertEd (French and German)
Mrs K Needham Student Liaison / Enrolments Certificate III in Aged Care (NSW Australia)
Mrs C Nicholls Head of Digital Technology - Rotating HOLA BCM, DipCom, DipTchgLrn
Ms M O'Connor BA (Classical Studies), DipTchng (NZGSE)
Miss C O'Rourke BA (Art History and English), DipTchgLrn (NZGSE)
Mrs L Officer Head of Drama BA(Hons), PGCE(UK) (Joint Hons)
Mr L Officer BBio Tech Massey, DipTchg
Ms J Olson Assistant Mathematics BCom, DipTchgLrn
Ms S Otway Head of Health BPhEd(Hons), BEd(Canada)
Mrs S Passchier BSc, DipTchg
Ms T Patrick MA (Hons) English, BA Media & Communications, ATCC Speech & Drama, DipTchgLrn
Mrs L J Peawini Assistant Principal BEd(PE), DipTchg
Mrs C Phoon BSc (Hons) Ocean Science (University of Plymouth), GDip Teaching 2015 Uni Victoria
Ms C Pierce Teacher in Charge of Digital Art BA(Hons), DipTchgLrn
Mrs M Pinkney Head of French BA(Hons), PGCE(UK), PGDip SLT
Mrs D Porter Finance Administrator
Miss B Price BComm, DipTchg
Miss W Price BA, DipTchg
Miss J Qiao BA (Chinese), MA
Mrs M Queree BA - Major English, DipTchg (NZGSE)
Ms A Rae Teacher in Charge of Media Studies BA(English Lit), DipTchg (Secondary) NZGSE
Ms A Rainey Assistant Head of English BA, DipTchg
Miss J Rattray Assistant Librarian
Mrs K Riddell International Student Liaison BCom, Certificate of English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA), Certificate in Adult Teaching in Education (CAT)
Ms L Robson Financial Administrator
Mrs A Rosevear, Administration
Mrs B Ruder Sports Administration
Mrs N Sawyer Reader Writer Co-ordinator and International Administration BM
Mr P Sawyer Deputy Principal BEd, PGDipEdLeadership, DipTchg
Mr D Schimanski Groundsman
Mr C Smith BA, CELTA London
Mrs N Smith Head of Languages Learning Area/Head of German/Head of Chinese BA, DipTchg
Mrs M Sweeney Administration
Ms A Taylor Teacher in Charge of Te Reo and Tikanga BA(Hons), DipTchg, DipTBI
Mrs A Taylor BA (Hons) (Anthropology and Sociology), MA (Cultural Anthropology) (distinction), DipTchgLrn
Mrs V Teesdale BA DipTchgLrn
Mrs L Thatcher Head of Department B Arts (Hons), Diploma of Careers Guidance - Accelerated Training and Education
Mr J Thew Head of Biology BSc, DipSc, DipTchg
Mr C Thornhill Head of History BA, DipTchgLrn
Ms C Waugh BSc, Dip Tchg
Ms J Whelan BA Arts, MA Irish, DipEd, Master TEFLCert
Ms C Williamson BEd (PE)
Mrs A Wilson Head of Junior Science BSc(Hons), LTCL, DipTchg
Mr S Woyak BSc - University of Wisconsin USA, DipTchg
Ms J Xing BSc(Education)
Mr S Young Caretaker Registered Electrician