Hero photograph
Photo by Jason Aaron

Science - Level 1


Learning about Science enables our students to understand the natural world and will lead to making informed decisions as scientifically literate citizens in the future.

Qualification - NCEA Level 1

Entry requirements - None

Year 10 students will have the opportunity to choose which science course they will study in Year 11. Year 11 Science is no longer compulsory in 2024, but strongly recommended.  

Students will have the option of taking General Science (15 credits) or Double Science (29 credits).  General Science will be four periods a week, and Double Science will total eight periods a week.  General Science is aimed at students that may continue in Senior Science options (Biology/Chemistry/Physics) but would like to have a wide range of options in their Year 11 timetable.  Double Science is aimed at students that are planning on studying two or three Senior Science options and would benefit from the broader foundational knowledge that Double Science will provide.

These courses are designed for a wide range of student interest and learner engagement. The teachers of Year 10 Science in 2023 will be covering the various options and will help to guide the students with their science choice for 2024.

Due to the makeup of the Year 11 Science options students can either choose General Science or Double Science, but not a combination of courses.

Course costs

A range of Level One sciPAD workbooks are highly recommended for Year 11 Science. The cost varies from $25 to $72 depending on the books purchased.

General Science 4 periods per week - 15 credits (5 internal / 10 external)

A course for students that would like to continue learning about Science and may be planning on continuing studying Science subjects in Year 12.  This course has pathways into all 3 senior Science subjects.

Achievement Standards:

Physics and Earth Space Science 1.4 "Demonstrate understanding of energy in a physical system"

Chemistry and Biology 1.3 "Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation in relation to an identified characteristic"

Chemistry and Biology 1.2 "Demonstrate understanding of a chemical reaction in a specific context"

Double Science 8 periods per week - 29 credits (15 internal / 14 external)

Double Science is an exciting new opportunity for our akonga who would like to learn more science in Level 1 to support their future studies in Senior science subjects.  Double Science is split into two classes called Life Science and Physical Science.  These classes will be taught by two specialist teachers.  This option may appeal to students that are planning on studying Medicine, Engineering or Science at university, or to students that love science.

Achievement Standards for Life Science:

Chemistry and Biology 1.1 "Demonstrate understanding of the relationship between a microorganism and the environment"

Chemistry and Biology 1.3 "Demonstrate understanding of genetic variation in relation to an identified characteristic"

Science 1.2 "Demonstrate understanding of the use of a range of scientific investigative approaches in a context"

Achievement Standards for Physical Science:

Chemistry and Biology "Demonstrate understanding of how the properties of chemicals inform their use in a specific context"

Physics and Earth Space Science "Demonstrate understanding of a physical phenomenon through investigation"

Physics and Earth Space Science "Demonstrate understanding of energy in a physical system"

For further information please contact Mr Aaron by email at aaj@cghs.school.nz