CGHS — Jun 21, 2020

Qualification: NCEA Level 3

Entry requirements: HOD approval

Content/Skills: The biggest component of this course involves carrying out, with consultation, an innovative and sustainable business activity. Combined with this you will also learn how to develop a marketing plan, and participate in the Young Enterprise Scheme. These activities make up the internally assessed part of the course, which takes most of the year. To enable you to achieve course endorsement, we will also offer one externally assessed achievement standard which considers how internal factors interact within a business operating in a global context.

There will also be opportunities to participate in a number of competitions eg The Pitch

Field Trips: Young Enterprise Scheme Kickstart event, Enterprise Pitch competition. There are no costs for these trips.

Course Costs: Please be aware that this course has associated costs. By selecting this course you will be requested to make contributions connected to its delivery. These costs are:$35.00 to participate in the Young Enterprise Scheme.


2 Internal Achievement Standards worth 15 Credits. Both of these standards are completed in a group with your fellow company directors over several months.
1 External Achievement Standard worth 4 Credits

This course offers 10 UE reading credits and 4 UE writing credits.

Where does it lead? This course is recommended preparation for several university courses in fields like Food Science, Business Management, Economics and Accounting. It is superb preparation for anyone who wants to set up their own business one day. It is a great complement for any practical subject like Graphics, Design, Hospitality, Physical Education, Tourism etc if you want to work in a business in those fields.

For further information see Ms James.