Photo by CGHS Publication
Wear Your Mask With Pride
We all need to do our bit to keep others safe in our community.
When students leave our school grounds they are expected to take our school values with them.
Under Alert Level 2 we encourage students to wear a face covering and keep 2 metres distance from others when leaving school.
If you are around people you do not know, it is a good idea to wear a face covering.
You must wear a face-covering when:
- on public transport and at arrival and departure points, for example, airports, train stations and bus stops
- in taxis or rideshare vehicles
- inside a retail business, for example, supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol stations, shopping malls, indoor marketplaces, takeaway food stores
- inside public venues, such as museums and libraries, but not swimming pools
It is up to all of us to keep ourselves and others in our community safe.