Julia Coppens — Nov 1, 2019

2019 has been a year of incredible house spirit from girls across all year groups. Connon started off the year in full swing as we entered into Athletics Day.

We couldn’t have asked for a better day weather-wise. There was a sea of white at the new venue of Nga Puna Wai as girls got involved in various athletic sports. Connon also saw some fabulous performers in the School Swimming sports, held at Wharenui later in Term 1.

This year all 6 houses joined together in Term 2 to earn house points by collecting cans to donate to the City Mission. Connon rose to the occasion and donated a winning number of 134 cans! A notable number of these were from the Year 9 and 10 Ako classes who really supported this wonderful charity.

As we entered into Term 3, practices for the much-anticipated Lip Sync event began. This year Connon’s theme was “The Weather”. We had Millie Edwards playing Dan Corbett from One News and each year group did a performance to a weather-themed song. Although we didn’t place this year, everybody involved had a great time and I am very proud of our performance. It will definitely be one of the highlights of my time at CGHS!

I would like to thank everyone who got involved with house events and really got into the house spirit this year. Your enthusiasm was incredible and I wouldn’t have been able to do my job without you! Thank you also to my wonderful house committee, Deputies Alice Ridgen and Marina Goodrich and Mrs Daly for all of your help this year; it hasn’t gone unnoticed! Also to Mrs Peawini for all of the work done behind the scenes. I am incredibly proud of the house spirit and involvement this year and I wish all of the Connon House prefects in the future all the best! UP CONNON!!!

Julia Coppens