Connon House
I have had the privilege of being head of Connon House for 2021.
Covid has ensured that our year came with many challenges and didn’t exactly pan out as expected. Regardless, it was awesome to see the growth within our house this year, with buckets of enthusiasm, participation and excitement shown throughout our house ensuring our 2021 stayed cheerful and fun.
We were fortunate enough to start the year off strong with athletics day and swimming sports, these two events early in the first term set the tone for an awesome year ahead. With many students in Connon being eager to get involved and participate in as much as possible. House events showed extremely elevated spirits, with people growing connections with others across a variety of year levels. This was awesome to see as it raised house spirit and assisted in forming a comfortable and supportive house environment.
Then the biggest night on the school calendar came around Lipsync. It was exciting to see so many students getting involved in Lipsync this year, bringing positivity and dedication to every practice. Lipsync is a big task with practices almost every break for many weeks, ensuring everyone knows the routines and format. Therefore I am so thankful to our amazing choreographers and hard work put in by everyone who got involved, making it extremely rewarding seeing the end product. Although our theme ‘Keeping up with the Kardashian's was one to remember, our placing was not with the result of sixth. However, 2022 is our year to take out Lipsync.
2021 had a strong focus on house spirit, whilst ensuring all students felt as though they belonged. The students in Connon played a big role in ensuring this goal was achievable, with enthusiasm, passion and excitement displayed countlessly throughout the year.
In these unpredictable times, there are a lot of things that were uncertain throughout the year, however, Connon House ensured to make the most of every opportunity bringing a positive and excited mindset to everything. Making it an absolute pleasure to lead such an inspiring and energetic group of students.
Additionally, a massive thank you to Mrs Daly, and my deputy Jessi Staples who really kept everything together, alongside all the students in the house committee. 2021 definitely wouldn't have run as smoothly without the help and input from all of you, your hard work definitely does not go unnoticed and I am very appreciative of you all.
This has been such a rewarding role and I wish the very best of luck to 2022 Connon House,