From the Board of Trustees

Julian Bowden, BOT Chair —

On behalf of the Board of Trustees we hope the whole school whānau is coping with this unprecedented lockdown we find our selves in.

We hope that you and your families are safe and not driving each other up the walls at home too much.

The Board is in constant contact with the Principal as we navigate our way through these tricky waters. We would like to say a huge thank you to the staff at school who have not missed a beat through this process. Our school closure and subsequent communication I believe have been second to none. We also say a huge thanks to parents for the way you have handled this change that has been imposed on us all.

Like the rest of you we hope that we move back to normality sooner rather than later. In saying that we will be totally compliant with all advice coming out of the government and the Ministry of Education.

In the mean time we hope we can all progress through the next two weeks of the lockdown without any major disruptions and the girls take to the new style of teaching.

Stay safe and be kind.

Julian Bowden