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Senior Secondary Schooling Under Alert Level 3

Sonja Bailey, Assistant Principal —

There are a number of implications for senior secondary schooling under Alert Level 3, and at Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora we have the challenge of ensuring the well-being of our students and continuing to maintain a valid teaching and learning program.

Both NZQA and the Ministry of Education are working to support schools to focus on the curriculum’s key learning outcomes, helping ensure students are able to learn the skills and knowledge they need for their qualification pathway. Schools can utilise the flexibility of NCEA to re-plan assessment programmes to help manage the impact of these disruptions.

Schools can adjust their programmes so valid assessment can occur while students are learning remotely. For some standards, this means that assessment will be undertaken later in the year or when face to face schooling resumes. Teachers have broad scope to teach and assess in a way that works for their situation, and the situation of their students.

We are also aware that many students are anxious about their ability to achieve NCEA as a consequence of the current disruptions. However, the way NCEA is structured means students still have the opportunity to achieve a qualification which meets their needs; and one which has a strong international recognition that opens doors here and around the world.

It is also important students know that if for any reason they are unable to undertake their external assessment - whether it be through illness or the closure of an examination centre - the derived grade process will provide a safety net. Our teachers will be recording grades as they prepare their students for external assessment in case they are needed for a derived grade at the end of the year.

Please see the attached document that NZQA have provided with specific information for parents. You may want to discuss the specifics around assessments, examinations and special assessment conditions. There are also a number of relevant links that might be of interest.