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Parent Teacher Interviews

Year 9-10 Parent/Teacher Interviews / Online Learning For ALL Students Thursday 6 April

CGHS Publication —

Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held Tuesday 4 April and Thursday 6 April. On Thursday 6 April all ākonga are to work online at home.

Interview dates and times for Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews are as follows:

  • Tuesday 4 April 4-7pm - face to face only
  • Thursday 6 April 9.30am-2.30pm - online only

On Thursday 6 April there will be no timetabled classes and all ākonga are to work online at home.  There will be a room at school where students who are unable to stay at home will be supervised and can study at school.  Please email PWL@cghs.school.nz if your ākonga  require supervision.

Parent/Teacher interviews for the junior school are now open.

The smooth running of our interview evening relies on all parents keeping to the timetable. Please consider other parents and end the interview on time. Parents can book for this event by going to the website and entering the event code bd59m, which takes them to step 1 to enter their details.

BOOKING LINK: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/bd59m

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Parent/Teacher interviews are a significant opportunity for personal feedback to parents regarding an ākonga's engagement and progress and we encourage all Year 9-10 ākonga to attend the interviews with their caregivers/parents/whānau.