Michael Langdon, HoD Music — Aug 12, 2020

Last Sunday 9th August, Anne Clark, our Cello itinerant teacher organised our CGHS String Quartet (Charlotte Cotton, Kate Gardiner, Heather Paget and Charlie Roberts) to perform for Ellen Doyle at the Hoon Hay Village.

The girls performed superbly, playing a quartet by Juan Arriaga as well as solos from Charlotte and Kate. Ellen very much enjoyed listening to them and interacting with them afterwards. 

CGHS String Quartet performs for Miss Ellen Doyle — Image by: CGHS Publication

It was a great privilege for our students to perform for someone who has contributed so much to our school, particularly in Music. Miss Doyle has had a long connection with Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora, teaching cello and taking orchestras from the 1960's until she retired in 2000.

A powerhouse of Christchurch music and a superb teacher, Ellen has made an immense contribution to this city as a whole, and Christchurch Girls' High and Christchurch Boys' High in particular. While at CGHS, Ellen taught cello and formed an excellent combined CGHS/CBHS orchestra and string orchestra as well as taking some very successful chamber groups, including several string quartets. Ellen also worked with and trained several prominent cello teachers, was one of the instigators and organisers of the Christchurch School of Music, as well as being a regular member of the CSO.

Ellen has generously provided three awards to our school, which are given to talented senior musicians at our annual prize-giving.

I would like to thank Anne for tutoring the girls and for organising the opportunity for them to perform for Ellen.

On a personal note, as a young, beginning HOD of Music, I greatly appreciated the professional advice, experience, collegiality and friendship that Ellen offered when I first came to Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora.

Anne, myself and many others have profited from Ellen's wise words and support over many years.

Thank you, girls, for performing for such a special person.

Michael Langdon, HoD Music