Newsletter Term 1 Week 8 2023
2023 Key Dates
2023 School Term and Dates
2023 Period Timetable
Dates PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop is Open
PTA Selling Secondhand Uniform Details
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Laura-Jean Peawini
The Ministry of Education has selected Christchurch Girls’ High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora to take part in a small trial of reusable period products.
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Whanau Group
This is an initiative to encourage Te Reo Māori in our kura
CGHS Publication
Christchurch Girls’ High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora will possibly be closed Wednesday 29 March 2023 due to an intended PPTA member strike. Confirmation will be communicated Monday 27 March 2023.
In conjunction with the PTA, we are pleased to be able to finalize Years 11-13 formal dates. Please keep an eye out for further updates.
Annabelle Kelley
This past weekend (17-19 March), three of our Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Wairoa Volleyball teams competed over three days in the Canterbury Volleyball Championship.
Jen Anderson
The Art Department is in search of donations of vintage objects for our Year 11 photography project (mostly based on the 1940's era and the War).
Larisa Thatcher
Keep up to date with the latest student job vacancies, University open days, work experience and more.
Congratulations to Maddie Iro - Year 13 student.
On Monday 27 March during periods 3, 4, and 5 our Senior Students will listen to a presentation in the PAC from the sexual harm prevention charity Brave.
PTA Secondhand Uniform Shop tomorrow, Saturday 25 March - Last chance before winter to get your new woollen kilt whilst stocks last.
Abanti Antara
This week we celebrated both Japanese Culture and the Persian New Year.
Junior Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held Tuesday 4 April and Thursday 6 April. On Thursday 6 April all ākonga are to work online at home.
Catherine McDermott
On 10-12 March, the SISS Rowing Regatta was held. Christchurch Girls' High / Te Kura o Hine Waiora took a strong team of 62 rowers.
Megan Kong
International students showcase some of their culture.
The school appreciates all payments for donations. These funds are used to fund educational, cultural, IT, sporting and social amenities and activities not covered by the Government Operational Grant.
CGHS/TKoHW Publication
The next Christchurch Girls’ High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora Board of Trustees meeting will be held in Room 126 at 5pm on Monday 18 September 2023.
Some rights reserved Christchurch Girls' High School , 2024