Christchurch Girls’ High School

  1. Student Handbook

    Please find information that will help you navigate your time at Christchurch Girls' High School/Te Kura o Hine Waiora. Read more…
  2. Absence/Illness or Appointments

    Information on absentee/illness or appointments Read more…
  3. Accounts

    Accounts are emailed out regularly. These will include the School Fee donation, ICT (Information Communication Technology) and Parent ... Read more…
  4. Acland House

    This is the School Hostel at 85 Papanui Road. There are about 110 boarders, mainly from Canterbury and the West Coast. You will notice ... Read more…
  5. Ako class leader

    Ako leaders are selected by the ako class. The ako leader is asked to do a number of administrative tasks in the course of the year ... Read more…
  6. Ako teacher

    Your ako teacher works with your Dean to ensure you attend regularly, make progress in your studies, wear the correct uniform and ... Read more…
  7. Alcohol, drugs or other health-harming substance

    Do not have in your possession or use vapes, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol or other health harming substances at school, at any school ... Read more…
  8. Assembly

    Full school assemblies take place every Wednesday during the assembly slot.   You may have extra year level assemblies during ako ... Read more…
  9. Attendance

    Attendance is checked every period. The data is recorded on the computer. If you believe an error has been made, talk to the Dean. ... Read more…
  10. Badges

    School badges may be ordered through the captains of the activities or committee leader.  Read more…
  11. Bell times

    School begins at 8.30 daily. The bell at 8.25 is a signal for you to move to ako time. There is a ten minute warning bell before the ... Read more…
  12. Bicycles

    There are bicycle stands by the tennis courts with access from Mona Vale entrance.  These stands are accessible to the public so all ... Read more…
  13. Blazers

    Blazers are a compulsory uniform item.  They should be worn to and from school in Term 2 and 3. Blazers are also to be worn at ... Read more…
  14. Bolt Cutters

    For padlocks on lockers or bikes - at the office. You will need a teacher in attendance when using the bolt cutters. Read more…
  15. Bus

    A CGHS bus will leave the Bus Exchange at approximately 8.00am daily and will drop the students in Matai Street in time for class.  Read more…
  16. BYOD

    Students must bring their own learning devices to school ie - laptops, tablets, ipads etc. The students are solely responsible for ... Read more…
  17. Camps

    An opportunity to live the school values and develop personal strengths. Read more…
  18. Cars and Motor Vehicles

    At the start of the school year senior school students will be sent a form to complete. The registration number and colour of the car ... Read more…
  19. Cell Phones

    The Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees of Christchurch Girls’ High School, along with our staff, believe mobile device use ... Read more…
  20. Charities

    Each year a school-wide charity to support is selected. Past charities have included Youth Line, St John Ambulance, Women's Refuge and ... Read more…
  21. Chewing Gum

    Chewing gym may not be brought to school. Clean up duties will be imposed on students who breach this rule. Read more…
  22. Concerns / Complaints

    If you wish to raise a concern or complain about an action or the behaviour of another person in the school we recommend that you talk ... Read more…
  23. Counsellor

    The Counsellor can help you with personal problems. In an emergency, you may make an appointment by using one of the slips in the ... Read more…
  24. Clubs

    Join up! There are many clubs to cater for all interests.  A handbook online lists the opportunities on offer (click here).  As ... Read more…
  25. Crest

    The first school crest is hanging in the Atrium attached to the Performing Art Centre. It is the crest of Canterbury University ... Read more…
  26. Cybersafety

    The school has rigorous cybersafety practices in place, which include cybersafety use agreements for all staff and students.  These ... Read more…
  27. Cyclists

    Remember that cycle helmets are compulsory when travelling to and from school and school activities. Helmets should be named.   If ... Read more…
  28. Daily Notices

    Every morning daily notices are brought to ako time by your ako teacher. Notices can be read through the school website and copies are ... Read more…
  29. Damage to Property

    This must be reported as soon as possible to an adult.  Accidents do happen so if you accidentally break something you will not be ... Read more…
  30. Dean

    Your Dean is the person you can approach if you are having problems that are affecting your schoolwork. You can go to them for advice ... Read more…
  31. Driving Lessons

    Must be scheduled for out of school time. Read more…
  32. Earthquake

    If a shake is felt, take cover under a desk or table and hold onto its legs until the teacher says to come out. Turn away from ... Read more…
  33. Entrances

    The main block has two main entrances: the one on the right is the public entrance and it leads to the reception foyer.  The one on ... Read more…
  34. Examinations

    Years 11 – 13 have major examinations once a year, on top of teachers assessing all classes regularly in-class time.  You may not ... Read more…
  35. Fire

    We regularly practice evacuation of the buildings in case of a fire. There are heat sensors in the ceiling that could activate the ... Read more…
  36. First Aid

    You need to go to the office if you feel unwell.  Members of the Support Staff are trained in First Aid. They will help you with ... Read more…
  37. Flowers and other gifts

    The school does not accept delivery of flowers or other gifts for students. Read more…
  38. Future Pathways

    The Careers office is over on the island above S2.  You may make an appointment to consult with the careers adviser and transition ... Read more…
  39. Gaudeamus

    Gaudeamus is our school song. Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus; Gaudeamus igitur, iuvenes dum sumus; Post iucundam iuventutem, ... Read more…
  40. Gymnasium

    This is a well-equipped teaching and learning centre with weight training facilities for helping to improve health and fitness.  Read more…
  41. Hair

    Hair must be tidy, short enough to clear the collar, or else tied at the back neatly.  Red, white or navy ribbons can be worn.  Hair ... Read more…
  42. Homework/Revision

    Homework may be set by teachers.  These times are a guideline.  Years 9 and 10 should do one hour each weeknight of homework or ... Read more…
  43. Honours Boards

    The Honours Boards are treasured features which record the early graduates from our school, women who served in the hospital ships of ... Read more…
  44. House Prefects

    Each House has a Prefect, Deputy and House Committee whose task it is to choose teams and provide leadership on sports days and other ... Read more…
  45. Houses

    The school is divided into six houses for the purpose of co-operation and competition.  These houses are Connon, Dean, Harper, ... Read more…
  46. Internet Use

    The Internet will only be able to be accessed once the agreement has been signed and returned. Also see Cybersafety.  Read more…
  47. Inter-Secondary Sport

    Matches in most sports are played on Wednesday afternoon. If you wish to participate you must attend team trials and be selected. To ... Read more…
  48. Jewellery

    You may wear a watch and if you have pierced ears, two single small, plain studs in each ear are allowed.  No other item is permitted ... Read more…
  49. Lateness

    If you arrive late to school you must sign in at the Red Desk or the student office. You must provide a valid reason for your lateness ... Read more…
  50. Library

    The library is on the first level of the main teaching block next to the students’ foyer. It has two areas for classes and a computer ... Read more…
  51. Lift

    The lift is a goods lift and can be used for carting science trolleys, teaching resources and rubbish.  Students do not use the lift ... Read more…
  52. Lockers

    There are some lockers available for student use in year 12 and 13. Students will need to share. Lockers are issued at the start of ... Read more…
  53. Lost Property

    Un-named articles (there should not be any) are put in the baskets under the stairs by the red desk. At the end of term unclaimed ... Read more…
  54. Laboratories

    You will likely have your Science lessons in a Science laboratory. The Science teachers will explain the safety rules to you.  (See ... Read more…
  55. Leaving School Permanently

    Before leaving school you must let us know you are leaving and let us know where you are heading to. You need to come to the office, ... Read more…
  56. Lunch Passes

    Except for Year 13, students are not permitted to leave the school grounds at lunchtime. Lunch passes will be issued only by Senior ... Read more…
  57. Make-Up

    No make-up or coloured nail polish is to be worn with school uniform. Read more…
  58. Messages

    Students may leave messages for teachers in their pigeon-holes in the students’ foyer. Important telephone messages for students will ... Read more…
  59. Money and Valuables

    You should not leave money in your bag or blazer outside classrooms or the library, in the Gym Changing Rooms or in an unlocked ... Read more…
  60. Motto

    Sapientia et Veritas: This Latin expression means Wisdom - the kind that goes beyond the book learning to knowing ourselves - and ... Read more…
  61. Naming Property

    Your clothing and equipment i.e. blouse, blazer, tie, kilt, shoes, tracksuit pants and top, all textbooks, folders, calculators and ... Read more…
  62. Notices

    The daily notices are brought to ako time at the beginning of the school day. They will be read and contain important messages for ... Read more…
  63. Office

    The office opens at 8.15 am, and at interval, lunchtime and until 4.30 pm after school.  Read more…
  64. Principal/Tumuaki

    The Principal's office is approached from the public foyer. It is best to ask the Principal’s Executive Assistant if the Principal ... Read more…
  65. Print Credit

    Print costs in the school are 20c for A4 black and white and 60c for A4 colour. New students need to purchase a print/photocopy card ... Read more…
  66. Peer Support

    Year 11 and 12 students train to be Peer Support leaders at the end of the year. As Year 12 and13 students they are responsible with ... Read more…
  67. Peer Tutoring

    Throughout the year student volunteers help others with any part of their lessons that they are finding difficult. Girls from any ... Read more…
  68. Photocopying

    There is a photocopier in the library and the Art Room. To use the library photocopier, students can buy a print credit / photocopy ... Read more…
  69. Physical Education

    Students at school they are expected to take part in Physical Education lessons.  Sometimes students may be recovering from a medical ... Read more…
  70. Prefects/ School Leaders

    Prefects/ School Leaders are students from Year 13 who have been elected for office by students and the staff. They can be identified ... Read more…
  71. Problems

    If you have a problem do not worry about it by yourself.  There are people on the staff who are trained to help. For advice over ... Read more…
  72. Red Desk

    This is a feature of the school. It is the receptacle for money, the runners’ base, a meeting place and a fundraising site! Read more…
  73. Runner

    Each Year 10 student has a day as the school runner. This important duty will be explained to you. Read more…
  74. Safety in Laboratories

    All students must wait quietly outside the laboratory until the teacher arrives. Students must store bags under the tables and ensure ... Read more…
  75. School Colours

    Colours, Gold Certificates and Silver Awards will be awarded to students in the course of each year in recognition of academic, ... Read more…
  76. School Magazine

    The magazine is released online at the end of the year. It contains the prize list, academic and cultural achievements, class lists, ... Read more…
  77. School Trips

    In public places, the highest standards of behaviour are expected. Uniform must be immaculate. Blazers must be worn. Read more…
  78. School Rules

    Be honest in all your actions. Speak courteously at all times. No obscene, sexist or racist language. Keep to the left and walk ... Read more…
  79. School Uniforms

    General information regarding the Christchurch Girls' High School / Te Kura o Hine Waiora school uniforms can be found on our Onstream ... Read more…
  80. Security

    Do not leave money, cellphones, earpods, eftpos, can-do cards or metro cards in blazers which are left outside, in classrooms, in ... Read more…
  81. Sickness and Injury

    What to do if a student feels unwell at school. Read more…
  82. Smoking/Vaping

    This is not allowed at school, in the hostel or at any school-related activity. See the School Rules for a full explanation.  Read more…
  83. Sports Fixtures

    The main school sports days are held early in Term 1. Individual and team races are held.  House points are awarded as well as school ... Read more…
  84. Sports Uniform

    A school tracksuit is required by all students in school ‘A’ teams or representing Christchurch Girls’ High School/Te Kura o Hine ... Read more…
  85. Stairs

    The stairs are wide enough for two lines of students, one ascending, one descending.  Keep left!  The only students who may use the ... Read more…
  86. Uniform Rules

    · - tied back neatly and off the collar. Worn in a neat style. Plain ribbons or hair ties must be unobtrusive and in school ... Read more…
  87. Visitors

    All visitors must report to Reception where they must sign in and will receive a name tag. If you see a stranger in the school, offer ... Read more…