Crest by CGHS Publication

School Rules

All students will show respect for others, themselves and the physical environment:

·Be honest in all your actions.

·Speak courteously at all times. No obscene, sexist or racist language.

·Keep to the left and walk sensibly in all corridors and stairwells.

·No littering in the classrooms or common rooms or the grounds.

·Follow the queuing rules at the canteen.

·No chewing gum.

·No eating in toilet blocks, gym changing rooms, or computer rooms.

·No entry into staff workrooms, staff administration room, offices or main office unless accompanied by a staff member.

·Do not have in your possession or use cigarettes,  drugs or alcohol at school, at any school activity or when in school uniform.

·Be responsible for your own property and do not interfere with items belonging to other people.

All students will show respect for a positive learning environment for all:

·Be on time to class.

·Follow the rules for safety in laboratories and workshops.

·Follow the rules of your classroom at all times.

·Complete all homework on time.

All students will show respect for the past heritage/good name of the school:

·Wear regulation, clean school uniform correctly.

·Stand on buses for adults, young children or people in need.

·Obey the rules of the road, including wearing cycle helmets correctly.

·Behave sensibly and safely at all times when out in public in uniform, to ensure that the good name of the school is not brought into disrepute.