Parent Teacher Interviews by CGHS Publication
CGHS Publication — March 27, 2019
This year’s parent teacher interviews will follow a similar structure to last year. The interviews this year will be held in the final week of Term 1 allowing you to receive personalised feedback on your daughter’s progress prior to departing for the end of term break.
Our 2019 Parent Teacher Interviews will take place on:
Please note that on the Tuesday the school will run Wednesday times and school will finish at 2.30
On Friday 12 April there will be no timetabled classes and students are to study at home and we also encourage them to attend the interviews with their parents. There will also be a room at school were students who want to study at school can do so.
The interviews will still be in the same format as previous years, with subject teachers located in various rooms and parents moving between rooms for each five minute interview.
On line Booking System
Bookings will open on Monday 1 April.
Booking an Interview
1. Go to the Christchurch Girls’ High School Moodle site “OnStream” ( ) There is a link on the school website (
2. Under the “Parents & Community” tab select “Parent Teacher Interviews” from the drop down menu
3. Follow the instructions and link
4. Our unique school code is n6c38
If you are unable to attend any interviews please cancel bookings as early as possible as others may be waiting for a time slot to open up.
Bookings for Tuesday 9 April will close late Monday 8 April. Following the completion of the interviews on Tuesday 9 April bookings will re-open for Friday 12 April.
You are able to log in at any time up to the day before parent interviews are occurring to modify your bookings, add further bookings or update your details.
Should you not have access to the internet you can call the school office (03 348 0849) and bookings can be made for you.