Hurunui 7 A-Side
What a fantastic day
The children had such a fantastic day playing Netball, Soccer and touch rugby. Thank you everyone who transported and managed a team, without this help it would not be possible to attend these days.
Lou - I enjoyed playing touch
Charlotte - I enjoyed playing soccer but found 6 A-Side boring at netball
Samantha - I enjoyed playing soccer and not falling over.
Jemma - I enjoyed soccer and touch as everyone was working as a team.
Marlene - I enjoyed the intensity of touch footy.
Ada - I enjoyed 7 A-Side cause we all worked together
➢ To allow children to experience sports they may not necessarily have played before
➢ To let children play sports alongside children from other schools
➢ To promote the playing of sport for the enjoyment of the activity rather than the results of the game