Notice to the Cheviot Area School Community
Silver Birch Trees Health Hazard
It has been brought to the attention of the Cheviot Area School Board of Trustees that there are a large number of Silver Birch trees on the school grounds which are a significant health risk to allergy and asthma sufferers in our school.
Under the Health and Safety Act, the Board has a responsibility to ensure the safety of our students and staff in the school environment. With this in mind, and after some research into the risks associated with Silver Birch Pollen, it has been decided to start a removal plan.
There are some trees in the immediate vicinity of the junior classrooms and play area, which we would like to remove first, as they pose the greatest threat. Arborist Peter Montgomery has been contracted to carry out this work before the seasonal pollen problem begins. The school will keep you informed as to when this will occur, as areas of the school grounds will be closed for Health and Safety reasons during felling.
It is our intention to consult with the community and perhaps form a small committee to lead a landscaping and replanting project for the whole school. Some ideas suggested so far are families may like to donate a tree, and students could get involved with landscape design and propagating plants through project day. We welcome your feedback and ideas for this process and would like to hear from anyone who would like to be involved.
Please contact Emma Mulcock
Cheviot Area School
Board of Trustees