GREAT NEWS! We have been awarded a Creative Communities NZ grant to fund a welcoming mural to our school.
An application for funding was made recently to the Hurunui District Council and Creative Communities NZ to enhance the front of the Administration block with an awesome new mural.
Our application was considered by the committee and we have been advised that we have been successful. The funding will pay for everything we need to complete it and will also mean we can access the services and skills of a professional artist.
The mural will be a collaborative piece of artwork - so start thinking about what you think should be on it. Students will be invited to apply to be in the 'Mural Team' at the start of Term 1. Applications will be open to students Year 4 and above. If your child is artistic, enjoys working in a team and would love the opportunity to create something amazing, encourage them to apply!
The mural will be made on panels that will be then put up onto the building.
The other successful recipients were –
Amuri A & P Assn
Waipara School
Warren Thompson
Amberley Art Group
Our Hanmer Springs
THANKS CREATIVE COMMUNITIES NZ and Hurunui District Council. Special thanks to Maree Hare from the Council for her assistance in the application process.