Hero photograph
Room 8 and Sean
Photo by Olivia Gill

Sports News

Olivia Gill —

Read on for the latest in CTK sporting news...

Year 7/8 Canterbury Netball Trials/Teams

A special congratulations to Lydia Fitzgerald who continued to show excellence on the netball court during the Canterbury Netball Trials. Lydia was successful in attending 3 trials, a great effort Lydia! 

Winter Sport Updates

There is no Winter Sport this week, Friday 7 July. 

On the first Thursday back of Term 3, the children  who are involved in Football, Netball, Rugby and Hockey will be playing in the NW Zone Tournament at South Hagley. A letter will be sent home during the first week. 

Due to the Tournament being on Thursday 27 July, the children will also be involved in the NW Zone Winter Sport on Friday 28 July. There will be Hagley Sport, so both Rugby teams and the Year 7/8 A Netball team will play. 

Junior and Middle PE Football Programme

Over the last 6 weeks Rooms 2-10 have been involved in Football on Thursdays. All children have enjoyed the new skills and games they have learnt. A special thank you to FC Football and Sean for running a great programme! Refer to pictures below for some of the action.