Hero photograph
Photo by Catherine Bartlett

A message from the Principal

Mike Bonisch —

Safety seems to be the catch phrase in a number of curriculum areas being taught throughout the school this week.

The Keeping Ourselves Safe programme is being undertaken throughout all 3 Syndicate areas, with Senior Constable Richard Brunton providing extra lessons and resources in our 13 classrooms. It is wonderful to have Richard in our school giving that extra support to staff, while he provides the children with a very experienced sounding board to bounce their ideas off.

The Senior School are currently undertaking their Water Safety training course at Jellie Park, where they are put through their paces and provided with the skills to help them save themselves and others in deep water. We have a third safety programme running currently, with staff from the Christchurch City Council tutoring our Year 6 students in their Cycle Safety course. Every year we participate in this very practical course that provides our students with valuable skills, especially around cycling on our very busy roads that surround our school.

A belated congratulations to Erin Coyle who has won a position as a Community of Learning facilitator in our local Waimairi-iri COL, or Kahui aku. Erin will work across all our schools 2 days a week, looking at ways of improving reading and writing outcomes for children, and helping teachers develop pedagogy. We are fortunate to retain Erin in our school on the alternate 3 days.  Currently we have Michael Hinds working in Erin's room while she works with other schools and pre-schools in our area. 

Congratulations to the number of children who have gained Credit, Merit and Distinction in this years ICAS exams. We have had an unprecedented number gain these accolades this year and have recognised Credit and Merit recipients at whole school assemblies. Further recognition will be made at our upcoming Excellence Assembly to those who achieved Distinction.

A final congratulations to our Senior A water polo team who retained the South Island B Grade Water Polo Championships in Dunedin last weekend. This is the third year in a row we have taken a major title out at this event, winning the A grade in 2015 and the B grade last year. The team was well supported, with a good number of parents accompanying the team down to Otago and providing a loud support crew. A special vote of thanks to Olivia Gill, and coaches Pat and Sam O’Neill who were themselves products of the CTK water polo structure when in their primary years. Olivia, Sam and Pat have dedicated many hours to the teams success over the past few months.