Mike Bonisch — Aug 30, 2017

The 6 September is fast approaching and all the rehearsals for Shakespeare Rocks will soon become the real thing.

Students and teachers have been giving their all as the excitement builds and they get nearer to putting all their hard work to the test on stage. It is a fast moving production with a wonderful theme.

The evening performance is filling very fast, with the matinee tickets proving somewhat slower.  We understand work commitments are a prohibitive factor here, however we would continue to ask that if you possibly can support the matinee performance we would appreciate your help.

You may remember early in Term 1 we held a school community evening on cyber safety for children and families, featuring Ange Webster from Netsafe Wellington. Continuing that same theme, Fendalton Open Air School Parent Council have invited John Parsons, an expert on cyber safety for children, to work with their school and have opened up their community meeting to the Waimairi-iri Community of Learning. This meeting will be held at 7.30pm in the Aurora Centre at Burnside High School on Monday 18 September. To cover the cost of the venue tickets are available from www.eventopia.cojohnparsonscybersafety at $5:00 per person. There are a few free promotional tickets available from Catherine in the office.

On a more sombre note, I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of the whole school community to offer our condolences to Rhonda Kearns and the Kearns family on the death of their father Lou, earlier this week. Mr Kearns will be buried today in Rhonda’s home town of Reefton and the school will have a strong representation at his funeral. We will keep the Kearns family in our prayers over the next few weeks.

Thanks for your support of our Junior School Mass last Sunday. At our Forming Faith evening we spoke of that home school partnership and Sunday Mass is the foundation of this.

Have a great weekend