Hero photograph
Photo by Joanna Mangin

Middle School House Days 2022

Joanna Mangin —

This term the Middle School Houses, Joyce, Taylor, Goodson, and Cleanagan have had their Wheels Day on the concrete during lunchtime. These have been run by the Mana Tamariki (Student Council) Service Group. These Wheels Days have been a great way for the Middle Syndicate students to have fun and to enjoy themselves within their House Groups. The students were encouraged to bring their scooter, skateboard, ripstick, roller skates, or roller blades, as long as they also brought their helmet with them! We hope that all the children who participated had a fun time and got to know some people within their House Groups. Thanks to all those who supported Mana Tamariki by showing up to these events.

Written by Christine Shaji and Madi Sillifant