Notifying the School of Student Illness, Lateness, and Appointments
Listed below are our contact options for notifying the school of your child's absence from school including illnesses, lateness and appointments.
Hero App: Absences, including lateness and appointments, can be entered via your Hero App.
Phone: 358 2708 (Choose the absence line)
Lateness: If your child is going to be late arriving at school please notify the office by either using the Hero app, phone, or email. Once your child has arrived at school they must check in at the office.
Appointments: If your child is leaving school during the day for an appointment we ask that you email the school office to let us know in advance. Students must be collected from the office rather than the classroom to minimise disruption to others and so the office can mark out when a student has left the school. All students then need to check back into the school office when they return to school after an appointment.
Extended Leave: If your child is going to be away for an extended period of time please email the school office explanation of leave and the date they are away and date they return.