Hero photograph
Photo by Abraham Atherton

Faith Facts - Week 3 and 4

Abraham Atherton —

The Mass - When we come to Mass we make the Church visible in that place.

Week 3: The Mass

The Mass - When we come to Mass we make the Church visible in that place. And in our prayer we learn again what it means to be Christian and Catholic. Jesus comes to us in the Mass in a number of ways. You can find out more about the Mass here. 

Week 4: The Feast of the AssumptionThe Assumption of Mary is a Holy Day of Obligation, and Aotearoa New Zealand’s, national patronal feast. (link from 2016) The Assumption of Mary, body and soul, into heaven is a sign to all believers that life “is not a senseless wandering, but a pilgrimage that, although there are uncertainties and suffering, has a sure goal: the house of the Father, who awaits us with love.” (Pope Francis, 2016)