Parent Council — Feb 19, 2019

The Parent Council AGM was held on Monday 11 February.

At this meeting our executive committee for the coming year was elected:

Chairperson - Christine Fraher

Vice Chairperson - Amy Callaghan

Secretary - Mandy Chisholm 

Treasurer - Anne O'Connor 

We would like to thank Mel Raisin (previous secretary for 2 years) and Bridgit Smith (previous Vice Chair for 1 year) for their work in their executive roles in the Parent Council.

Our current members are -

Andrea McInnes

Ange Hamilton

Bridgit Smith

Greg McNeill

Logan Murray

Lorraine Heffernan

Mel Raisin

Paula Hannan

Mike Bonisch (principal)

Rhonda Kearns (staff rep)

We would love to grow our membership this year and being an 'in-between fair year'  it is an easy time to join, as we have a more relaxed year ahead! Maybe this year could be your year to contribute! We value ideas and suggestions and are open to new ways of trying things. With a small membership base we never know if we have it right when we try things, so come along & have your say - our next meeting is Monday 11 March in the staffroom.

For those new to CTK, the Parent Council is basically CTK's PTA. Our main roles at school are:

 - Fundraising  - unfortunately a necessity to supplement school funding and being an integrated school the government funding is not able to be used for Capital improvements so these need to be raised by us.  Last year we paid for the new concrete next to the Junior playground $46k and funded new board games for every classroom in the school. We have also committed to pay for the shade umbrellas for the new concrete area (approx $30k) which are currently being manufactured and we await the Board of Trustees plans for the year so that we can fund further improvements in classrooms and around the playground.

- Providing pastoral care - helping our families when in need. eg meals or baking if someone is ill or has a new addition to the family.

- Organising social activities for the children and families. 

In addition to the Parent Council members we also have Friends of the Parent Council. These people are on an email list and we send requests for help etc as we need it (eg. help at discos, providing a meal/baking for a family in need, help at fundraisers) and they simply volunteer as and when they can. If you would like to be added to this list please email:

Our upcoming events - please refer to separate articles for details:

- Fish & Chip night  Friday 22 February

- Disco Friday 15 March

Following on from our marshaling activities over the last couple of years we have been offered various events as fundraisers for this year. Most of these involve 20-30 people for 3-4 hours, are not difficult to do and we receive $1000 for each. This is very easy money - it actually takes a lot of work to raise that amount from fundraising activities and usually involves parents donating items, buying goods or having to sell things. Instead with these marshaling events all that you need to give is a few hours of your time. We do appreciate that life is busy for all of us but unfortunately school funding is insufficient to cover everything that a school needs to keep up with technological changes as well as capital works at a school and so fundraising is a vital part of school life.

If every family signed up for just one marshaling event then we would easily have all of these covered and some families would not have to provide helpers at every event. Please think generously about giving CTK a few hours to help out. Details of our next two events are included in this newsletter. These events in Term 1 are in place of the Easter Raffle that CTK traditionally ran so we would appreciate your support.

Please feel free to contact me if you would like any information on the Parent Council -

We look forward to working with you for the benefit of our children at CTK.

Christine Fraher